The questions and answers below are provided in summary. For complete information, you should review the Association’s governing documents and policies.
SR Declaration of Covenants, Governance Policies, SR Design Standards & Guidelines
It is a non-profit corporation registered with the State and managed by a duly elected Board of Directors. Its purpose is to maintain all common areas and to govern the community in accordance with the provision of the legal documents: CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online within the Documents section of this site. The corporation is financially supported by all members of the homeowners association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory.
Each owner or resident typically has the responsibility to (Subject to the governing documents of your Association):
- Understand What They Own or Occupy. This includes town homes, condominiums and the difference between their unit and the common property, and also planned communities and the HOA’s ownership of the common property.
- It is the Owners responsibility to know what you bought or are buying into, you must work with the seller and or realtor to become informed. It is not the HOA’s “fault” that your seller or realtor does not provide all the information regarding the current state of your community or failed to provide information specific to the amenities or misinformed you that you belong to a private entity that is not included in the HOA.
- Pay Assessments and Other Proper Charges of the HOA. These obligations of the owner must be met on a timely basis for the HOA to operate effectively. Residents (that are not owners) are not responsible for these charges.
- Read and Comply with the Governing Documents of the Community.
- This includes the obligation to pay HOA assessments and proper charges of the HOA on time (see above). Owners should contact the HOA to discuss financial obligations and payment plans or arrangements.
- Owners and residents must comply with restrictive and affirmative covenants in the declaration. This aids in maintaining and enhancing property values, based on established standards.
- Owners and residents must also comply with the covenants, articles of incorporation, bylaws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the HOA.
- Owners and residents must ensure that those who reside on the owner’s property (e.g., tenants, relatives, and friends) adhere to all applicable parts of the governing documents. As an owner you will be held responsible and financially liable for your tenants actions in regards to the governing documents.
- Owners need to communicate and stay informed, by going to meetings, reading communications, visiting the HOA website.
- Maintain Separate Liability Insurance and Casualty Insurance. Owners and residents must maintain (as to their separate property interests and ownership) their own liability insurance for accidents within the property. Owners should also maintain casualty (or hazard or property) insurance on property in or on their Lot/Unit which is not insured under a property insurance policy maintained by the HOA.
- Owners have the responsibility to vote in community elections and on other issues. Owners need to understand that once they elect a Board of Directors, the Board makes the decisions for the community, the Owners do no participate in day to day operations of the HOA, the information regarding Board actions are kept in the minutes of the association and can be found on an association website or communication portal.
- Property Maintenance. Owners and residents have the responsibility to understand who is required to maintain components of the community, including their own property or the property they occupy.
- Duties and Responsibilities of the HOA, Board Members and Manager. Owners and residents should understand, at least generally, and when needed, specifically, the duties and responsibilities of the HOA, board members and the manager. Owners and residents have the responsibility to know what the HOA and its board/officers/managing agent can do for them and cannot do. Too often, an HOA and its leaders are expected to solve all problems and cover all unexpected losses. These expectations are typically broader than the HOA’s authority or required actions under the governing documents.
- Serve on the Board. All owners have a responsibility to run for and serve on the board, as representatives to the owners. Residents may be qualified to serve on the board. Check the bylaws. Board members serve the interests of the entire community, known as a duty to manage, that requires good faith and the care of ordinary prudent person in a similar position. As a representative of private governance of the community, the board and those elected to it seek to further the best interests of the community.
- Treat HOA Leaders Honestly and Respectfully. Just as owners and residents are to be treated honestly, fairly and with respect by the HOA and its leaders, owners and residents are responsible for treating the HOA and its leaders fairly with honesty and respect.
- Offer Comments and Recommendations to the Board, the HOA and Management. Owners and residents have the responsibility to offer comments and recommendations to HOA leaders and management in a calm and businesslike manner. Issues will arise, but should not be personalized. Comments should be made without profanity, personal attacks or shouting.
- Consider the best interests of the community before and when offering comments to the board, the HOA, and management.
- Offer comments which are relevant to the purpose of the HOA and/or management.
- Provide Current Contact Information. To allow the HOA to be able to communicate with an owner or occupant, send notices of member meetings, newsletters, etc. to owners, current contact information and a current mailing address if different than the property address is REQUIRED by to be provided in writing to the HOA. This helps ensure receipt of information from the community. It is often stated “I don’t get notices or information”, make sure you have registered for all communication avenues and provided current contact information to the management company.
- Avoid Interference with Contractors Engaged by the HOA. Owners and residents are not the persons who have contracted with vendors of the HOA. The HOA has entered into those contracts, through the Board of Directors who were elected by the “Owners”. Owners and residents have the responsibility to avoid interference with these contractors while a contract is in progress. All communications and complaints about a contractor’s work should go through the HOA manager, an HOA representative, or be in accordance with policy.
- Avoid Harassing and Threatening Others. Owners and residents have the responsibility to avoid harassing or threatening others through any means to control or instill fear in any other owner or resident, board member, the manager or any agent of the HOA.
- Use Professional and Businesslike Language and Decorum. Owners and residents have the responsibility to be professional and businesslike, and to act with appropriate decorum when interacting with the HOA, its leaders and management.
- Avoid Personal Attacks. Owners and residents have the responsibility to avoid personal attacks against other owners, residents, board members, managers and service providers. NOTE: Colorado law allows for personal protective orders, to seek to preserve the peace, and to avoid physical harm or injury to another person.
A management company is contracted by the Board of Directors to provide such services as: Collection of assessments, negotiation with and supervision of subcontractors, obtaining bids for subcontracted services, organization and processing of architectural requests, enforcement of covenants and governing documents, providing financial statements and collection reports, as well as a general clearing house for problem solving, pool registration, communications with homeowners and the Board of Directors and to serve in an advisory capacity. The management company reports directly to the Board and all decisions are made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The management company did not create the governing documents and policies that govern your association.
The management company may be reached online through the Management Office page on this website or by phone from the numbers listed on the Contact Us page on this site. The current management company phone number is (303)841-8658 and email is [email protected]. They are available Monday – through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
The Colorado Property Management Specialists, Inc (CPMS) is the management company that was retained by your board of directors to oversee the day-to-day operations of your community. The management team consists of Community Relations Coordinators which can answer almost any questions or direct you to the correct department, the Accounting department which can answer any questions you have about your assessments and/or payments, Licensed Community Managers are available to answer questions you may have on Covenant Enforcement and on what is needed to make changes to the exterior of your property. Our Community Managers strive to provide high-quality service to each owner in the community.
The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) are the governing legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the planned community as a non-profit corporation. The CC&Rs were recorded by the County recorder’s office of the County in which the property is located and are included in the title to your property. Failure to abide by the CC&Rs may result in a fine to a homeowner by the Association. The governing legal documents for the association may be viewed online within the Documents section of this site.
The Bylaws are the guidelines for the operation of the non-profit corporation. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Directors, the terms of the Directors, the membership’s voting rights, required meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a business. The Bylaws for the association may be viewed online within the Documents section of this site.
The Homeowner’s Association again is a corporation and therefore a governing body that is required to oversee its business. The Board of Directors is elected by the homeowners, or as otherwise specified in the bylaws. The limitations and restrictions of the powers of the Board of Directors is outlined in the Association governing documents found within the Documents section of this site.
Yes. Notice of the time and place of any regular board meeting will be noted online on the Calendar page. If a member wants to have a specific item placed on an agenda, the request needs to be in writing and received by the management company at least 10 days in advance of the meeting.
Email [email protected] to request an invitation to join the portal.
Once you receive the invitation(s) it you will need to click on the join button at the bottom of the email. This will take you to the registration page.
A RIF is a Residential Improvement Form that needs to be completed when doing any work on the exterior of your home (painting, deck, doors, windows, roof etc) or in your yard (landscaping, concrete, fence, patio, shed, play equipment etc) (front and/or back). A RIF needs to be submitted even when doing like for like (painting, roof, windows, landscaping etc.).
The RIF can be found under Governing Documents or by clicking here.
Documents that need to be included with the RIF include but are not limited to: copies of Plans or Drawings, etc. If Painting of the Residence is requested, then “real” photographs (not printed on copy paper) of the house and adjacent houses, including those directly across the street MUST accompany the RIF. A Plot plan must be included for plantings, additions, decks, patios, gazebos, hot tubs, ramps, sheds etc.
The assessment is the periodic amount due from each homeowner to cover the operating expenses of the common area and provide for reserve funds for replacement of common facilities in future years. Associations assessment are imposed annually and the board sets the due date, depending on the governing board of directors, you may be permitted to pay monthly or quarterly and that information/details is provided with the annual coupons. All assessments are due on or before the first of the month. Coupons are sent annually. Monthly statements are not mailed as a reminder to pay your assessments. A notice will be sent only as a reminder of the amount past due.
Assessments are due on or before the 1st of the month. For communities managed by CPMS, you can make your payments online. If you haven’t created a log in account to access your account information please take a moment and do so at and click on “Resident Login”. When you are logging into the communication portal for the first time, you will need to select the “create a login” link, this is directly under the user name and password area. Within the next screen, you must enter your account number and email address of your choice. The provided email address will be linked to your login record. If pay outside the portal you will see a page that is similar to the image below. Please note you are paying or creating an account directly with Alliance Association Bank.
You have the right to seek credit counseling at your own expense to assist with managing your financial obligations and to understand the consequences of foreclosure. Resources for credit counseling services can be found on the HOA information and resource center’s website or through nonprofit organizations approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at: